Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Even if and even when...

Even if and even when,
If it ever happens then.

It is now that counts,
I'll be loving you the same amount.

Is that what they want me to do?
To stop loving you?

I'd forget me, myself and I,
They gonna have to kill me, I'm gonna have to die.

Don't ask me not to cry, don't ask me not to shed a tear,
Yes. I am living in denial, I am living in fear.

Know this, apart of me you'll never be.
Even if I'm left alone, right here you'll stay and be.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

I'm an adult!

4 years ago my mom and I were walking in jam3iyat bayan, my mom took me out of school cuz i was feeling "sick. so she took me to the jam3iya to buy fa6ayer (they're yummy btw).. so i dunno what brought it up bas this is what i remember from it...

Mom: lazm tet7amelain il mas2olia, bacher itha yolich 3yaal shlon tet3amelain weyahom??

Me: waaaaiih!! yuma taw il nas ! lama aseer 21 akon gad il mas2olia!

Mom: ee mabuga shay 3ala matakmeleen 21!

Me: ola bagii 4 years!

Mom: 4 sneen itmur ib qamthat 3ain.. oo golay ma giltlich oo tethakeray hal 7achii...

ok.. mo qamthat 3ain .. bas il 7achi chena kan gabel cham shahar!! oo bacher baseer 21 sina! o 7adi am freaking out.. oo let me tell u why !

1. i cant act like a kid anymore, i have to act like a grownup ! :s

2. lazem at7amal mas2olia 3an ahali now ! i shud start acting like a grown up !

3. what have i accomplished? :s

so ive decided to make something every day to make my parents proud! so ppl am spreading a virus! or what the blog world calls it a tag!!


MAKE UR PARENTS PROUD I TELL U!!! and then brag about it on ur blog!! oo this is highly contagious! im making my parents proud tommorrow dunno how.. but i will !!!

anyway happy bday to me ;p and hope u likey! tata ;**